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Physiology News

Geoffroy Laumet poses with members of his laboratory and the Director of Undergraduate Research Brian Keas.
May 24, 2024
Geoffroy Laumet is awarded the 2024 Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentor of the Year award during the 2024 UURAF Forum.
Co-Chair Geoffroy Laumet looks at a research poster during the Immunology Research Symposium at MSU.
February 19, 2024
The inaugural Immunology Research Symposium garnered record attendance. Organizers expressed the desire to transform it into a biennial event.
Faculty from MSU Department of Physiology who will be teaching an undergraduate course for 2023 summer semester.
May 15, 2023
Two new neuroscience courses are being offered this summer that will expand on concepts learned in previous introductory neuroscience courses.