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About Physiology

BPS BuildingThe discipline of physiology is uniquely positioned among the biomedical sciences to span the gulf between exploring the most fundamental aspects of biology and the most practical and applied problems of human and animal health. Faculty in the Physiology Department at Michigan State University work to understand how the vast array of molecular and cellular events successfully integrate to define the phenomenon of human existence.
The Physiology Department Mission:
  1. Identify factors and molecules that promote health and disease.
  2. Understand mechanisms of disease progression.
  3. Improve overall human and animal health through identification of novel therapeutic targets and treatments.
  4. Train future scientists in state of the art physiology concepts & approaches.

The Department of Physiology at Michigan State University embraces diversity in its faculty, students and staff.  We are committed to providing an environment that nurtures and values inclusion of different backgrounds, ideas, perspectives and skills. Engaging the unique and diverse contributions of our department members results in innovation and excellence in our research, teaching, service and outreach.  We take pride in the strength of our diversity and our ability to work together with respect and equality.